Valoraciones de Tianmu Executive Apartment (Shenzhen North Railway Station Store)
Tianmu Executive Apartment (Shenzhen North Railway Station Store)
Longguang long diamond, North Area, 4D-1833, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaVer datos del hotel
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197 valoración
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yehia allam
Loft Suite moderna de moda
Fecha de estancia: mar 2024
Personas en viajes de negocios
19 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 4 may 2024
All was perfect , just a note that they do not have smart toilet with water , they have normal water,, was written that they got smart toilet
Respuesta del alojamiento: 尊敬的貴賓,非常感謝您的選擇!公寓位置就紅山地鐵站旁邊,4號和6號地鐵線,步行幾分鐘即可,公寓配備了熱水壺,電冰箱,電視、空調等生活設施,公寓對面就是大型商場6979,購物吃飯都有~在住期間有任何問題,都可以隨時和我們微信電話聯繫,24小時在線!我們將會在第一時間內盡己所能為您解決問題 ! 非常感謝您對我們的認可及支持, 您的鼓勵就是我們前進的動力, 以最高的性價比滿足不同賓客的要求,歡迎您的光臨!
Loft Suite moderna de moda
Fecha de estancia: sep 2023
Personas que viajan solas
16 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 24 dic 2023
I'm sorry, but I left this apartment after having been there for one hour or so, and I asked for a refund from, which they offered.
There were many stains on the wall, the room smelled musky and even though it says it has a balcony, it absolutely does not, and it was not possible to air the room properly, so that I could get the smell out of the room.
Furthermore, it's very far away from the lively Shenzhen, and so if you're using public transport, I definitely will not recommend this.
Even finding the apartment was a hassle, as the owner will not meet you and there is no staff. I had to communicate with her over wechat and ask other Chinese people around to help me translate what she was saying.
Very disappointing and disingenuous host.
Respuesta del alojamiento: Distinguished guests thank you very much for your choice! Sorry for the inconvenience, the apartment has windows in every room, the ventilation is very good, the apartment is next to the Redhill MRT Station, it is only a subway station from Shenzhen North Station, the transportation is very convenient, I apologize again, we look forward to seeing you again and having a different experience.
Usuario invitado
Loft moderno (2 camas)
Fecha de estancia: feb 2024
3 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 2 abr 2024
Great location, the owner is nice
Respuesta del alojamiento: 感謝您入住天幕行政公寓並這麼用心與我們分享您的入住體驗,能為您提供真誠、熱情、體貼的服務是我們的榮幸,再次感謝您的支持與厚愛,祝您生活愉快,期待您的下次入住,繼續讓我們為您服務。
Respuesta del alojamiento: 看到您的好評小夥伴開心極了!衹要您住的舒服,我們覺得付出再多也是值得的。和您在旅途之中相遇是我們的榮幸,而能在短暫的旅途中給您一份舒適與快樂,是我們最大欣慰,相信我們已經結下了不解之緣,希望您能和我們一起守護住這段來之不易的緣分。期待為您的下次魅力深圳之旅提供服務。
Usuario invitado
Loft Suite moderna de moda
Fecha de estancia: ene 2025
Personas en viajes de negocios
8 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 25 feb 2025
Respuesta del alojamiento: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您的選擇,我們公寓位置就在紅山地鐵C出口地鐵4號線和6號,公寓對面就是網紅打卡點6979,購物吃飯一體,深圳美術館,開心麻花劇場,鵬潤達,天虹商場等,出差旅遊都是最佳之選,在住期間有任何問題,都可以隨時和我們聯繫,24小時在線!我們將會在第一時間內盡己所能為您解決問題!期待您再次光臨!祝您生活愉快!