Coral Suites & Spa - Adults Only

Valoraciones de Coral Suites & Spa - Adults Only

Coral Suites & Spa - Adults Only

C. Noelia Afonso Cabrera, 10, 38650 Playa de la Américas, Playa de las Americas, SpainVer datos del hotel
Coral Suites & Spa - Adults Only
Coral Suites & Spa - Adults OnlyCoral Suites & Spa - Adults OnlyCoral Suites & Spa - Adults Only
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Fecha de estancia: ago 2023
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 11 ago 2023
No lo aconsejo en absoluto. No volveré a éste apartahotel. La cocina estaba No funcionaba y nadie subió a comprobarlo, después de llamar 3 veces a recepción. Tuvimos que esperar al día siguiente para que el técnico subiera a ponerla en funcionamiento. Servicio nefasto, salvo la señora de la limpieza, muy amable y buena limpiadora.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: sep 2021
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 12 sep 2021
Teníamos una reserva hecha a través de “Rumbo”. Unos días antes de llegar a Tenerife, nos envían un email que nos reubican del hotel que teníamos contratado (Compostela Beach, de la misma cadena) al Coral Suites. Lo aceptamos. Cuando llegamos al hotel nos informan (sin previo aviso, pese a que decían que tendría un email en Spam que no habría visto) que nos realojan en el Hotel Tigotan. Les decimos que no, que en nuestra reserva de “Rumbo” sigue apareciendo que tenemos que estar ahí, y que además tenemos amigos en el hotel con los que queremos disfrutar de la estancia. Nos dicen en recepción que al día siguiente (lunes) se vacían habitaciones y nos realojan. Al día siguiente, la misma chica de la recepción (Patricia) nos asegura que se va a poner con sus jefes a reservarnos una habitación y que me llamaría a lo largo de la mañana. La mañana pasa y pasa…y no llama. Finalmente llamo yo, y otra chica (Daniela) me dice que no tienen ninguna notificación de mi caso en la recepción pero que va a hacer por conseguirme una habitación para el martes. Al llegar a la recepción, me dicen ella y otra chica (Aleida) que de momento “no me garantizan tener una habitación mañana”. Les digo entonces que voy a poner una reclamación, y en ese momento encuentran una habitación para entrar al día siguiente. Ya en martes, hablamos con la gerente (Mari) y nos pide disculpas, asegurando que ha sido un error desde Reservas del hotel (a los cuales envío un email pidiendo explicaciones y nunca me responden) y nos garantiza una buena habitación en calidad de disculpas. La habitación (en la que nos dieron llave a las 17:00) era indescriptible: cocina en plena entrada, y a un metro y medio del váter, con encimera hecha para personas con movilidad reducida (estaba a un metro escaso de altura). Además, vistas del armario (sin puertas) en frente de la cama (nada mejor que ver tu ropa tirada antes de dormir. No repetiría este hotel, nos han estafado con su práctica habitual de vender habitaciones hasta el infinito y quien se quede fuera “ya se le reubicará el mismo día en otro hotel y que se fastidie”. Además, trato preferente en todos los servicios para las turistas extranjeros, peleas entre ingleses por soltar la toalla en la hamaca a las 8:40, y malas formas de algún camarero del bar. Solo destaco de este hotel el trato amable y encantador de una camarera sevillana (¡no recordamos el nombre!) que fue la única alegría de todo lo ofrecido por este hotelucho. A quien se aloje aquí, ¡suerte y mucha paciencia!
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: ago 2021
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 29 ago 2021
Podría ser un hotel excepcional, ya que cuenta con excelente personal, una piscina de lujo y una habitación, en mi caso, espectacular. Pero podría ser excepcional si en el baño hubiera también champú, además de sólo gel de cuerpo. Solicité champú a recepción y me dijeron que sólo dejan gel de baño, una extraño caso. También sería excepcional si la piscina fuera un espacio más cuidadoso. Aunque se que los huéspedes son informados de la normativa,  la verdad es que estas personas dejan suciedad, restos de basura en la piscina, también beben con botellas de cristal y además, están en la piscina con altavoces con música que todos los otros huéspedes deben escuchar. Pasar por la piscina sobre las 19h, da lastima. Por este motivo es una lástima que un hotel que podría ser espectacular, no pueda llegar a ello. Otro comentario menor, por si quieren mejorar, es que parece que los horarios de la cafeteria/bar están pensados sólo para turistas extranjeros, ya que a las 21h dejan de servir comida y el bar cierra a las 23h. Podrían ampliar estos horarios para cubrir a más personal.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: ago 2021
Grupos de amigos
0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 23 ago 2021
Hemos tenido la oportunidad de estar tanto en la suite grande como en la habitación convencional. Ambas son muy buenas y completas, con todo lo necesario y decoradas con estilo. La suite grande tiene un balcón con mucho mobiliario. Hamacas, sofá, tumbonas... También tiene la ventaja de disponer la habitación separada de la cocina y salón y tener dos WC. La limpieza es muy buena y diaria. En la recepción son muy agradables y dispuestos a ayudarte en lo que necesites. La zona de spa estaba cerrada por covid pero todo lo demás increíble, sobre todo la parte del solarium. La comida era buena y había mucho donde escoger. Además iba cambiando cada día. Los camareros de diez. Con especial mención a Lola, Anita y Pedro. Aunque todos eran muy agradables. De jueves a domingo hay música en directo. Son versiones acústicas de canciones muy bonitas. No es muy animado, es más bien relajado. Al ser solo adultos, todo estaba tranquilo y relajado. La única pega es que las hamacas estaban reservadas por los turistas ingleses y alemanes a las 7 de la mañana o antes y dejaban la toalla todo el día puesta sin aparecer por allí. Creo que deberían ir pasando cada cierto rato y recogiendo las toallas de la gente que no está. Repetiría sin pensarlo.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 28 jun 2024
This hotel was brilliant this is a good 4 star hotel the staff work so hard and the room was spotless. We were on a bed and breakfast deal the breakfast was really nice lots of choice at the buffet. So yes I would recommend staying here if I was going back to tenerif in the future.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 27 jun 2024
This is my first ever review but after speaking to my partner and friends, we all decided it was best. This hotel is so gorgeous! It’s super pretty, really well maintained. The food is good, they do a different themed night each day which mixes it up. And honestly we really really loved the hotel itself. HOWEVER!! The hotel is really lacking on the holiday aspect of things. Some of the main areas that stuck out are: 1) No music around the pool area- this literally left us all there just listening to absolutely nothing. The only background noise we had was construction work and honestly that was better than having nothing at all. 2) No floats or balls are allowed in the pool. I’m not a strong swimmer and so when I go into a pool I rely heavily on floats to keep me up. However we weren’t allowed ANYTHING in the pool. I saw a few people start to play catch with the ball as there was nothing else to do and the lifeguard would run over and tell them to stop. Because of this the pool was empty for most of the day and people would just get up and leave, including us. It was just so unbelievably boring. You couldn’t jump into the pool, you aren’t allowed any floats, you can’t take a ball or a bat into the pool. So all you were allowed to do was sit around and twiddle your thumbs. 3) The ‘entertainment’ was more or less none existent. We’ve been here three days and only today have we seen a lady come out to do water aerobics but because no one was in the pool she left instantly. Not to mention that we went downstairs to play some cards near the bar outside and we got talking to this other couple who felt the same way. When my friends partner went up to get a refill of beer, he found that the tap had been turned completely off EVEN THOUGH we were all inclusive AND there was still 15 minutes before the AI area was suppose to shut. They then proceeded to pull the shutters down and turn the lights off, leaving us sat outside in the dark. Again, I just want to reiterate that the hotel itself is gorgeous and totally up to standard in terms of maintenance and cleanliness. But it almost felt like being on a school trip. No music, no playing in the pool, and you have to go to your bedrooms at a certain time ( not literally but that’s what it felt like when they turned the lights out on us). To some these issues might seem silly but you the majority I’m sure you will agree. It’s completely put a downer on our stay here and we’ve even looked into booking into another hotel for the remainder of the trip just so that we can have fun and not have to worry about silly rules.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
0 valoración
Muy bueno
Fecha de publicación: 25 jun 2024
The hotel was lovely and the staff were really friendly and attentive. Hotel is in a great location. Just a few things that brought it down from 5 star to 4. - a double bed is made of 2 Singles - the light in the passageway outside the room was on all night which shined in from above the door - there was a bit of noise sometimes during the night from people out in the street but that isn’t the hotels fault Would definitely stay here again would just bring some ear plugs next time
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 20 jun 2024
Sorry I couldn't rate the hotel higher but based on the room we were given that's all I could give it. The staff were friendly and efficient always cleaning and clearing plates off tables they deserve 5 stars alone. We stayed all inclusive and the food was plentiful and varied breakfast was great. There was entertainment every night The room we were given 218 was basically at the back of the hotel but overlooked the pool from the balcony, the room itself was great but the noise of a nightime was horrendous because the passageway to the rooms were open and facing residential property there were people shouting and partying all night seemed to get worse as the week went on. Another drawback to our room was the skylight above the entrance door was glass allowing light to stream in keeping us awake all night. We didn't complain because we didn't think they could do about the residents in private property and we blocked the light out ourselves but you shouldn't have to do this a good hotel see these faults themselves then they wouldn't get bad reviews.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 14 jun 2024
I loved this hotel. Myself & my boyfriend went in June 2024 with another couple and I honestly could hardly fault it. We stayed in the bitacora last year but we preferred here (mainly due to it being an adults only hotel). The rooms were great (Junior Suites), very spacious and the comfiest bed I’ve ever slept on! All hotel staff were so lovely too. We had breakfast included which was very nice, but we also paid for lunch at the poolside bar a couple of times and thought it was great too. There are only 2 things I would like to see improved; the lifts being the first one as they felt a bit dodgy and if we weren’t on the 5th floor I would’ve taken the stairs every day to be honest. The other thing I’d like to see improved is the entertainment, there was a DJ by the pool on the first day we arrived which we loved but after that we didn’t see anything (we may have missed it but there definitely wasn’t something every day). Overall we loved this hotel and will definitely be returning!
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 10 jun 2024
Hotel is nice and modern. Plenty of bars around etc. Only put 2nd day but everything is perfect. Plenty of sunbeds. Breakfast is good and plenty of variety. Rooms are spacious and beds are comfy. We stayed in a room that has a kitchen so perfect if self catering. Definitely recommend staying here 👌
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: jun 2024
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 3 jun 2024
I definitely would think twice about staying here. The first few days were quiet but it ended up being complete chaos from 12am onwards. People screaming, shouting, running about, fighting - we are both 21 and we didn’t act like this so why should other people ruin it. Fire alarms being set off every single night. Breakfast was average not a lot of choice thankfully we had only booked bed and breakfast. Room was cleaned every day but sheets weren’t changed and the room wasn’t hoovered. Upon a late arrival at 12:30am there was no desk staff to check us in just a security guard who barely spoke english, this was a problem as we were told there was a 24hr reception. We asked for late checkout and were told we would get it but then when i asked a different member of staff the day of leaving (which they told us to do) she told me they were fully booked which is a lie because i could go online and book another night. Pool is very quiet, not allowed to play music or have a ball in the pool. No activities by the pool either and no entertainment. There was a DJ on sunday evening and he was far too loud we were on the third floor and the music was thumping. Staff aren’t the nicest either.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: may 2024
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 25 may 2024
Second time visiting this hotel, rooms are good size and cleanliness is great, top stars for detail from the cleaning staff. But......its definitely slipped a star, evening meals are mediocre and let's hope and pray you don't get a suite facing the UP hotel next door as the patio doors do nothing for noise and there's lots of it, the bin man comes at 03.30 everymorning, and it's loud, the binmen shout over the noise of the truck to carry on their conversation, the deliveries are done extra early and the reverse horns are used on these vehicles regardless of the time......we asked to keep our room on as we were flying at 21.00 at night and was refused as it was "fully booked" yet I went online and could book a room for that very night. We went half board and got there after 10pm so no food to be had, our hometime pick up was 18.15 and afternoon dinner starts at 18.30 so we asked if we could have lunch instead but was refused......the staff in the dining hall aren't very nice and made sure they charged me my €2.30 for a bottle of tap water every time I asked for mineral water...... We won't be back here again unfortunately
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: may 2024
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0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 25 may 2024
Just got back after staying at this hotel for 5 nights all inclusive and we had a great time. The hotel is spotless & cleaned to a really high standard. The rooms are spacious & modern. We loved the food & found it to have varied options at all meals. The staff were lovely & polite. You could always get a subbed around the pool and it’s in a great location. Would definitely stay again.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: may 2024
0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 24 may 2024
I honestly cannot think why anyone would not like this hotel. Just back from a 4 night stay with my adult daughter and we had an amazing time at the coral. We were bed and breakfast as like to eat out in the evenings as there are so many restaurants and bars close by. Our room was fantastic and cleaned daily. All staff are friendly and appropriate and happy to help. Breakfast was great with proper sausages! The pool area is lovely but we chose to sit up on the roof terrace which was fabulous. Never any issues getting at sun bed at either. Can’t comment on entertainment or evening meals. The location of the hotel is excellent as can walk easily to either safari centre where the fountain is or the other way where there are loads of bars such as the Dubliner. A good bar nearby is YOLO which sells toasties and beer much cheaper than hotel and good for a break through the day. All in all would definitely recommend this hotel.
Usuario invitado
Fecha de estancia: may 2024
0 valoración
Fecha de publicación: 24 may 2024
just came back from a 5 day holiday at this hotel, couldn't recommend it more. We booked the junior suite and we had the pool room with our own terrace near the pool. rooms were clean comfortable and fully equipped with kitchen appliances and hair dryer. Hotel had shampoo hand soap and conditioner in the room. The rooms were cleaned every day we were there which was nice. We only booked to have the breakfast which i couldn't fault. Had multiple options, eggs bacon hash brown sausage toast, cereal, sweet pastries, fruit section and lots of juices to choose from. Staff were friendly and helpful. Didn't have an issue with anyone being too loud as we were below the reception, however could see this being an issue if you were above/ below other rooms as walls were quite thin, not an absolute huge problem though. Hotel is in an excellent location near good food spots and near the beach, many good food spots within a 10 minute walk... if that. There's a shop over the road which has everything we needed for our holiday, extra sun cream, snacks alcohol which is open late. Definitely book this hotel if you're thinking of it as it didn't disappoint.